Falkon Build and Fly Planes – This program brings the excitement of building and flying planes to a classroom setting. This class is meant for dreamers and engineers that are thrilled by the launch of their maiden flight. The kids are introduced to the concept of modern flight. They are taught the engineering process design,... Learn More
Falkon Drone Engineering Camp – With our innovative Build Fly Code learning program, students will understand the basic principles of building and flying drones. This program is a fun way to introduce kids to STEM programs and inspire them while building other soft skills like communication, and working in teams. All the equipment required for... Learn More
Falkon VEX EXP Robotics – Vex EXP brings real robot technology to the classroom setting. EXP robotics provides a stepping stone into the world of metal robotics. With the latest technology, sensors, and metal construction it uniquely teaches STEM concepts. It provides real learning with project-based lessons that make students active participants in their learning.... Learn More
Falkon VEX IQ Robotics – VEX IQ is a snap-together robotics system, making it fast and easy to build an endless variety of robots. Watch code come alive on a physical robot and apply key STEM skills. Campers will explore VEX IQ by working in groups to build and code their robots to compete in... Learn More
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