Week 13 Update 2022
1) Team logo design. – Email me a logo for your team by Friday – so I can get the T-shirts printed.
2) Dec 9th – six VEX IQ teams are going to Rocklin for League
3) Dec 10th – three VEX IQ teams = Profile, TooManyGears, ChunkyMonkey going to Davis for tournamanent
4) Dec 10th – teams that not going to the competition should attend the Saturday class. Folsom Teams come to Folsom Middle School and El Dorado Teams come to Marina Village.
5) Need Volunteers for Jan 7th and Feb 20th Folsom Competition Day. Need Parent volunteers. All V5 teams are recommended to volunteer. Bring friends and family members who would be interested to volunteer.
Update from V5 Competition
Our teams did great in Chico. I am super proud of you. We know we won’t perform, but we still went and fought. All the teams in Chico are experienced High School teams. We are rookie teams, we all are middle school teams. I thought we don’t even stand a chance. But you all impressed me. and a couple of teams were ranked in the middle. At one point we were even 5th. Amazing guys on what you are capable of . We came back with a lot of lessons – both life lessons and robotics lessons. Let’s get back to the drawing table and figure out the strategy for the next game.
US soccer team lost to the Netherlands and is out of the world cup. The comment from their captain: “I’m super proud of the boys’ performance today. We can show that we can hang with the best teams in the world, some of the best players in the world. And that’s a lot of progress for U.S. Soccer. We’re moving in the right direction for sure, but we need to keep pushing ’cause we’re not there yet.’
I want the teams to get back and document our mistakes. Key learnings. and work on them. Some of them to being with:
1) Make sure your batteries are charged. Take a few extra batteries.
2) Take Safety goggles.
3) Work on some easier tasks – pushing pucs should work perfectly. Implement expansion capability. Test your roller capability.
4) Prepare for the worst, And never lose hope. On the field, the robot may not turn on, the wheels may fall off. Thats life. (In the semi-final match one of the best robots, did not turn on. They think it was the battery gone bad – Very frustrating. and it can happen)
Jan 7th and Feb 20th Competition Events - Volunteers Needed
We are hosting a competition here in Folsom/El Dorado Hills area. This is a first for our area. And you all have seen what it takes to host a VEX Competition. It take a whole village. I need your help. Please enroll yourself, friends, parents, etc.
We have 501(c)(3) Certification. So high school students can volunteer and get the hours.
We also need to raise money for the event. If you have businesses that are willing to sponsor please let us know.
The following roles are needed: Judges, MC, Check In Desk team, Setup teams, Clean up teams, Tech Team (Audio, Network), Tournament Manager Team, Photography team, Queuing Teams, and Fundraising teams.
December 10th: (Saturday)
Folsom Middle School: 8:30 am to 12:30noon
Marina Village Middle School: 1 pm to 5 pm
Christmas Break
Currently, there is no schedule for Christmas break and Thanksgiving break. We recommend the teams to meet at their home to continue to build when possible.
Use the following link for the competition schedule and information. You can bookmark the following link, as it will get updated with the latest competition schedule.
Continue to work on your robot. But if you have extra time, there are so many other VEX IQ Challenges to participate in besides robotics competitions and win some prize money. Please check out the challenges here.
VRC = VEX V5 Challenges
VIQC = VEX IQ Challenges