
Week23 Update

13 Feb 2023

Week 23 Update 2023

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VEX V5 teams have completed all their competitions this week. VEX IQ teams have their last competitions for the season on Feb 20th (Monday Presidents Day). 

After the competitions, we will continue the classes till the end of March. Since the beginning of the season teams have been concentrating on building robots and they did not get to learn much coding. For the next 5 weeks, we want to teach kids coding and for elder kids, we plan to also teach 3D modeling.

In the next couple of weeks, we will be sending out surveys to both parents and also kids to fill out and provide feedback. We hope to incorporate your suggestions for future programs.

Thursday Class Ends Early

The Thursday class at Marina Village Middle School on Feb 16th, ends at 4pm. So please plan to pick up your kids at that time.

Return Field elements

Some of the teams have taken the field elements like blue dispensers, pucks, etc home. Please return them in the class this week. As we need those to be able to successfully host the competition.

VEX IQ Feb 20th Competition

Here is the link for the information regarding the competition on Saturday, Feb 20th. Please be at the venue by 8:30am.

You are welcome to bring visitors to the event. This is a great opportunity for other kids to learn about Robotics competitions if they are interested to participate in the future. 

Parent Volunteers needed for Competition Day

Parents we cannot do it alone. The Competition day is very involved and without your help, we cant pull it off. We need some parent volunteers for the following roles. Please sign up using link.

Facebook page

After the end of the program, we will not be sending so many emails and WhatsApp updates. If you want to stay in touch about future programs, please follow our Facebook page. We are working on more exciting programs to be launched in the future. So stay tuned.  Feel free to share this link with your friends and family.




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